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Lockouts – why you should call a locksmith

Salisbury Locksmith

Lockouts only happen to others and most of them are simply careless. Surprisingly, that’s what many think; until a lockout situation happens to them! Then, a flurry of emotions runs through them; surprise, fear, anger, panic, and exasperation are often felt by those suddenly caught off guard by the simple act of being locked out of one’s home, car or business. If you ask people on the street what the number one thing they should do if they get locked out, they will emphatically tell you to “call a locksmith!”

Here at Salisbury Locksmith Company we often notice that the opposite is, in fact, true. People often call a locksmith as a last resort and not the go-to solution. Instead, they panic and often resort to the wrong things to do like attempt to break back inside! Whether you live here in Salisbury, NC or anywhere else in the country, it’s always wise to remain calm and be ready to call a licensed, bonded and insured, 24-hour locksmith. Doing so will save you time, and believe it or not, plenty of money. Read on and we’ll explain.

The arguments against calling a locksmith

You’ll hear many excuses why a locksmith should not be called. In truth, these excuses have no bearing and are just that; excuses! You’ll hear that locksmiths are unreliable and never show up. Locksmiths are very expensive and why spend the money on something so trivial? Locksmiths often quote one price and ramp it up once they get to you. These are all not true at all! While isolated cases may exist, people often repeat stories they hear, which in turn get exaggerated even more with constant telling and re-telling.

For some, the thought of having a complete stranger working on your locks is a complete turn-off; how can someone be trusted to not make extra key copies, or to not look over your shoulder as you program your new key code? Those same people think nothing of having a landscaper come over and work on their lawn or have a property manager give them a key to their new place. It’s all a matter of perspective. You have to be selective about your locksmith service, but once you settle on a reputable firm that is established, licensed, bonded, insured with few to no complaints, using a locksmith can be a real god-send!

Resist the urge to break back inside!

So many attempt to do this but with very disappointing results. The logic seems to be that you are locked out of your car or home and since it’s your property, you are not really doing anything wrong by forcing your way back in. Wrong! It may be legal, but there are many others that don’t know what you are doing. A law enforcement officer or neighbor may not know who you are and cause trouble for you or even shoot you. A family member, roommate or house guest may also be caught unawares and do the same thing. Then, there’s the problem of damage. Broken glass and ripped-off window sills are expensive to repair, not to mention dangerous, as injuries often result from these actions. Another factor to consider is the recent upswing in gun ownership. More and more folks are now armed and carrying and sad to say, many of them are eager to become the next hero. Not that their trigger happy but you don’t want to find out while you are simply trying to get back inside your own home or car.

Can I call the police?

Sure, you can call them, but they won’t come out and help with this type of situation. They will simply tell you to call a locksmith which you are obviously trying to avoid. Police are law enforcement and you getting yourself locked out, is not their fault or their problem. When your plumbing backs up, do you call the police? When you need a pizza delivered, do you call the sheriff? It’s much the same logic; if you need lock and key service, you call the appropriate specialists; the locksmiths!

Don’t call just any locksmith!

No, locksmiths are NOT all alike. A real locksmith will be certified as such. You don’t want “a” locksmith; you want a good locksmith. Your choice should be licensed and experienced. He or she should be bonded and carry insurance. You also want full service assistance which means that your technician of choice should be well versed and experienced in home, auto and business locksmith services and hardware. If you’ll notice, many of these services overlap and your locksmith should be able to provide you with anything from key cutting and lockout help to security upgrades and emergency service. 

You’ll notice that phone booths and pay phones are a thing of the past; today, everyone carries a smart phone; even children! This makes it all the easier and convenient to call for a locksmith. The “key” is to pre-select your locksmith so that if and when the time comes for needing his help, all you need to do is tap to call! Find a good locksmith service (or two) that feel comfortable using. Add their shop telephone number to your cell phone address book. Do the same for your spouse, partner and children; no sense in them being without locksmith care if it is needed! 

What to look for

Be choosy when deciding on a local locksmith. Contrary to popular belief, quality does not mean expensive! Many shops including ours are quite affordable. Most offer free price quotes and same day service. Insist on credentials though; any real locksmith shop will be glad to show you theirs and if they don’t, or shy away from the question; leave them alone! Another quality you should look for is fast response, 24-hour service. We can’t stress this enough! Lockouts and other locksmith emergencies don’t keep office hours and always seem to occur when you are most vulnerable and when no one is around to help. Your locksmith should offer 24/7 availability and mobile convenience all year round!