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Types of Locks

There are just dozens of locks on the market for you to choose from today. At Salisbury Locksmith Company in Salisbury, NC, we want to familiarize you with the various types that you are able to choose from.   

Home Locks You Can Depend On

When you are looking for new locks for your home, you can get some pretty good advice from a locksmith. Their experience qualified them to advise you of the locks that generally prove most effective in keeping out unwanted intruders. They will also be able to advise you of the best location for your locks. For instance, if you have high-security locks on your interior doors, a locksmith would likely recommend that you have them installed on the exterior portion of your home doors. Entryway doors need more security than interior doors. When you lack sufficient security for your home doors, you increase your chances of experiencing a break-in. It would certainly be in your best interest to listen to the advice of a qualified locksmith if you wish to protect your home and everyone in your household. Some homeowners may simply buy a lock based on its name. Not all name brand locks are good locks.

The only reason you may be familiar with one brand versus another is because one does more advertising than the other manufacturer. Don’t confuse this for quality. Rather than assuming that a brand name lock is better than another lock, consult with a locksmith who will be able to tell you for certain, the quality of a particular lock.  

We believe that it helps to know something about the lock mechanisms and how they work. A typical doorknob has several mechanisms that enable the lock to open and close. In some cases, these locks are called mechanical locks. Below is a list of standard doorknob locks.  

Tumbler Lock – There is a bolt that prevents the locking mechanism from opening when the incorrect key is inserted.  

Pin Tumbler Lock – This lock has pins in them that must line up correctly in order for the locking mechanism to disengage the lock. If the wrong key is inserted, the pins will not line up. This will prevent the lock from opening.  

Warded Lock – Again, unless the correct key is inserted, the bold will not move. The bolt is used to prevent movement. Once the correct key is inserted, the lock bolt will disengage.  

Electronic Home Locks  

More people are concerned with convenience now more than ever. This is what stirs most industries. They manufacturer those items that provide the most convenience because they realize that this is what will sell. People are often willing to pay for convenience. That is why so many homeowners are interested in electronic locks. They don’t mind the costlier locks, since they are both effective and convenient. Here are some of the most widely used types of electronic locks offered today.  
Biometric Locks – The biometric system uses fingerprint recognition to give a person access to a certain place or area. Rather than using a standard key, the person would use their fingerprint to gain access. The fingerprint must be stored in the database that the company uses in order for it to recognize the person who is attempting to gain entry. Once the fingerprint has been recognized, the lock will disengage. This is what many will consider a high-security lock. It is often difficult to compromise this type of lock.   

Electronic Locks – An electronic lock requires a specific code be entered into the keypad. Once the correct code is entered, the lock will disengage. Some electronic locks use an internal motor or magnets to engage the locking mechanism. You should only provide the code to someone that you trust. The good news is that the code can be changed as the person sees fit.   

How to Make A Good Decision 

If you are seeking additional locks for your home, make sure that you do your research prior to purchasing any locks for your home. Consider your options, thoroughly, with a qualified locksmith. A qualified locksmith will know if the locks you are considering are a good choice or not. They will know which type of locks offers you the best value for the money. Really, a qualified locksmith will be able to lay-out everything for you in a way that is easy to understand. If you have questions or concerns, they are always willing to address your concerns. The only way to make a well-informed decision about the locks that you use for your home is to know what your options are. Take advantage of the complimentary consultations that are offered to you by locksmiths. They offer this to you in order to provide you with the information needed that enables you to make a good decision. The last thing you want to do is invest in locks that are not effective. This is paramount to simply throwing your money away. You don’t have to throw your money away since, as long as you consult with a locksmith prior to purchasing and having your locks installed. Whether it is electronic locks or some other type of lock, there are definitely those that are more durable than others and you should know which ones these are. Do yourself a favor and contact a locksmith when you are seeking additional home locks.   

Don’t go to a hardware store and consult with someone in the store because they may not have the necessary qualifications to advise you about your home security needs. The best person to ask is someone who deals with all types of locks on a regular basis and this would be a locksmith. Buying the right types of lock is easy when you are equipped with the necessary information to be able to do so. A locksmith has this information and any other information that you will need to make a good decision about the locks you have installed.