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How to Unjam a Jammed Safe Fast

Salisbury Locksmith

Safes are a fantastic way to keep cash, weapons, and other valuable items safely stored away. When working properly, safes do a great job at giving homeowners and business owners peace of mind as they go about their days. However, when something occurs with one’s safe, making it so it does not function properly, nothing can be more frustrating or stressful. 

One of the most common issues to occur with safes of all kinds is a jam. When one’s safe is jammed, there is seemingly no easy way to get it open quickly. While jams can put a delay on getting what you need out of your safe, there are several solutions that can lead to getting the jam resolved quickly. 

Try and Stay Calm

Usually if you are retrieving something from your home or business safe, it is important and may even be urgent. Collecting cash at the end of a business day that has been stored in a safe or accessing one’s home safe for a lump sum of cash should be a quick and painless action for those authorized to access the safe. However, since things do not always go as planned, it is possible that your safe may jam at the worst possible time. It is important to remain calm no matter when your safe jams or what you may need from inside.

Staying calm will allow you to think through immediate solutions more quickly, as well as prevent you from doing something stupid or unnecessary. Even if it is the end of the workday and you are desperate to go home, but end up having to deal with a jammed safe, remember that it is not the end of the world. Most safe jams can be resolved quickly with a little critical thinking and patience.

Do Not Force Your Way In

The number one thing you should not do when it comes to having a jammed safe is to try and force your way in. Although frustration and a sense of urgency may drive you to want to get into the safe as soon as possible, doing so by force is not wise. It is likely you will only hurt yourself by attempting to do this and you may even damage the safe beyond repair. 

Even though movies may make it seem as though breaking into a safe is simple, it is a futile endeavor in reality. There is no easy or effective way to break into a safe that will result in a successful conclusion. You will either hurt yourself, break the safe entirely, or both. Trying other methods of entry or hiring an expert to help you is highly recommended before ever attempting to break into your safe yourself.

Check the User Manual

Most safes come with guides or user manuals that will instruct users on exactly what to do in the event of a jammed safe. Be sure to consult your safe user's manual and see if there is a specific procedure that is recommended for your safe model in order to get in unjammed. While most safes have similar locking mechanisms, each safe brand and model will be a little bit different from the next. Checking your safe manual may give you a specific procedure to try that will lead to the successful unjamming of your safe.

Call a Locksmith to Unjam Your Safe

If you have attempted all that you can to try and unjam your safe by yourself, it is time to call a locksmith. Locksmiths deal with residential and commercial safes needs of all kinds and will have the tools necessary to unlock your safe. If you need to get into your safe as quickly as possible, it is best to call a locksmith immediately. Businesses may have no choice but to call in an expert, especially if they are experiencing a complex jam on a larger safe. No matter what kind of safe you own, however, calling a locksmith is an effective and quick way to relieve your safe jam fast.

Preventing Jams in the Future

One of the reasons safes become jammed is due to overcrowding inside the safe or pressure on the lock from the contents inside. Make sure to not overfill your safe with items and to leave plenty of clearance around the lock itself so that it can successfully lock and unlock. If you are running out of room in your safe to store the things you wish, it may be time for an upgrade. Depending on the safe model you own, you may also have the option to add shelves, door pockets, or other organizational elements to help keep items away from the lock itself.

If you have yet to experience a jam with your safe, you can prevent them by scheduling a consultation with a locksmith. This is especially true if you have had your safe for quite some time and it has not been recently evaluated by a professional. Hiring a locksmith to inspect your safe will alert you to any potential problems. You can address any issues that are present and prevent future jams from happening altogether.

Need a Local Expert to Help?

If you live or own a business in Salisbury, NC and have home or commercial safe issues that you need addressed, the best locksmith to call Salisbury Locksmith Company. We deal with safes of all kinds and can even travel to your home or business to address any problems with your safe right on-site. We offer combination change assistance, unjamming services, and any repairs you may need for your safe.

Salisbury Locksmith Company can help with any lock and key issues related to your home, business, or vehicle, such as rekeying services, lock changes, lockout assistance, and more. Do not hesitate to give our talented team of locksmiths a call the next time you need immediate or same day locksmithing assistance in your area. We are waiting to help you today!